Asbestos awareness test

Last Updated on January 17, 2021 by neilhardy

Mock questions for asbestos awareness test

If you are looking at completing an asbestos awareness course soon, then check out our mock asbestos awareness test questions below.

But before we get around to the asbestos awareness test itself, lets just cover some of the basic asbestos facts first.

This will provide you with some knowledge to enable you to answer the asbestos awareness test questions.

So to start with……..

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral substance that is found as groups of fibers in the earth’s soil and rocks all over the world.

But asbestos isn’t just one single type of mineral – the name ‘asbestos’ actually refers to a group of silicate minerals with the same fibrous nature.

When in it’s pure form, asbestos can be mixed into cement, paper, plastic, cloth and other materials to make them stronger.

Asbestos has been used a lot in common building materials such as ceiling tiles, floor tiles and pipe insulation because of it’s well known properties, which include being heat resistant, a good insulator and because it doesn’t conduct electricity.

Sprayed coatings used for pipe insulation are the most friable form of asbestos used in the UK.

There are actually 6 different types of asbestos, but they are categorised into 2 main types – chrysotile (white asbestos) which is the most common form and amphibole.

Asbestos containing materials only become dangerous when they are damaged or somehow disturbed, as this is when the deadly fibers are released into the atmosphere.

The asbestos fibers will contaminate the air and any surrounding areas.

Asbestos fibers - asbestos awareness test your knowledge
Asbestos fibers

How does asbestos cause harm to health?

Exposure to asbestos fibers can prove very dangerous to our health.

This is because the fibers are so tiny (invisible to the naked eye), and once they become airbourne they can linger around and eventually become inhaled.

Inhalation of asbestos fibers into the lungs can eventually lead to serious health problems, as once the fibers are there, the body is unable to remove them naturally.

As a consequence, over a long period of time, at least 15 years or more, the asbestos fibers grow and lead to diseases such as Mesothelioma, Plueral plaque, Lung Cancer and asbestosis.

Those people who smoke are at greater risk of developing lung cancer or asbestosis than non smokers are.

Studies show that a person is most likely to develop an asbestos related disease if they have been exposed to asbestos frequently over a long period of time, particularly the younger they are at the time of exposure, and the odds increase even further if they are a smoker.

What are the asbestos regulations?

The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 are aimed mainly at non-domestic properties, but they can also apply to some common areas in domestic premises.

It is the duty holder’s responsibility (Manager or owner of the building) to inform any contractors due to carry out maintenance or refurb works on the premises of any known asbestos.

In a domestic property, this responsibility would fall to the landlord or managing agent.

Under the regulations, contractors also have a responsibility to report any suspected asbestos containing materials they may discover on site to the duty holder or their supervisor immediately.

Suspect materials will have to be tested for asbestos with samples being sent off to an independent laboratory.

Once the test results are received, a decision will have to be made on whether the asbestos can be left in situ and encapsulated to make it safe, or if it has to be removed altogether.

Either way, only those who have been appropriately trained in asbestos awareness can work with asbestos materials.

Trained operatives must wear the correct PPE and RPE and have regular health checks, as well as annual refresher training.

And depending on the risk factors involved, a contractor may or may not need an HSE license to remove any asbestos materials.

Even If a licence is not required to remove (lower risk asbestos materials) then the contractor must still be trained to handle asbestos.

Control of asbestos regulations 2012
Control of asbestos regulations 2012

How to safely dispose of asbestos

Asbestos must be safely disposed of and can’t just be thrown away with general household rubbish or dumped outside.

Instead, any asbestos materials must be double bagged, sealed securely and labelled before being taken to a local asbestos waste disposal site (contact your local council for details).

Some companies who have an asbestos waste carriers license will be able to collect the asbestos waste from you at your premises and take to the local asbestos waste disposal unit.

Please be advised though that if you decide to handle any type of asbestos yourself, you must wear disposable clothing consisting of gloves, a boiler suit and respirator with filter.

Otherwise, please leave the handling of asbestos materials to those who have been appropriately trained.

Asbestos awareness mock test

Think you know enough about asbestos? Ready to take the mock asbestos awareness test? Answer the next 20 questions below…

Question 1

Three diseases related to asbestos are?

a) Aids, Lung Cancer, Asbestosis

b) Mesothelioma, Colon Cancer, Throat Cancer

c) Lung Cancer, Asbestosis, Mesothelioma

d) Mesothelioma, Asbestosis, Diabetes

Question 2

In older buildings, you may find asbestos in:

a) Ceiling tiles

b) Old pipe insulation

c) Floor tiles

d) All of the items above

Question 3

Most symptoms of asbestosis are apparent within a space of five years

a) True

b) False

Question 4

What is asbestos ?

a) A man made synthetic material

b) A natural material derived from sand particles

c) A natural material derived from certain rock formations

d) None of the above

Question 5

Studies conclude that people who smoke and who are also exposed to asbestos are more likely to develop lung cancer or asbestosis ?

a) True

b) False

Question 6

Which source of asbestos in the UK, is most friable?

a) Lab counter top

b) Floor tiles

c) Sprayed on insulation

d) Ceiling tiles which are not damaged

Question 7

Any exposure to asbestos fibers is dangerous because…

a) The affects of asbestos are immediate

b) The full aspects of the material is not yet fully known

c) It disrupts the lungs functioning capabilities

d) None of the above

Question 8

What are the three main things that determine the likelihood of a person contracting an asbestos related disease?

a) Gender, duration of exposure, smoking

b) Age, duration of exposure, smoking

c) Age, type of asbestos exposed to, smoking,

d) None of the above

Question 9

If a part of a sprayed on asbestos ceiling comes away and falls to the floor, you should…

a) Report it to your supervisor

b) Brush it up

c) Vacuum it up

d) Brush it into an air sealed bag

Question 10

What does worker protection involve?

a) Personal protection equipment (PPE)

b) Regular health checks

c) Asbestos awareness training

d) All of the above

Question 11

Asbestos tiles, bricks and other items will only release fibers if they are disturbed or damaged.

a) True

b) False

Question 12

Chrysotile is the most commonly used type of asbestos

a) True

b) False

Question 13

Who is responsible for managing asbestos in commercial buildings?

a) The tenant

b) The homeowner

c) The contractor

d) The duty holder

Question 14

Once asbestos fibers are released into the air, they can remain suspended there for hours and even days.

a) True

b) False

Question 15

Visibly damaged or degraded asbestos tiles, pipes or other products, may indicate that floors and work surfaces may be contaminated with asbestos dust.

a) True

b) False

Question 16

There is no evidence to suggest that ingesting asbestos is harmful

a) True

b) False

Question 17

The main entry point for asbestos fibers is through the skin

a) True

b) False

Question 18

If you are already working in environments which include asbestos, you can reduce your chances of getting cancer by quitting smoking.

a) True

b) False

Question 19

Anyone can remove asbestos materials.

a) True

b) False

Question 20

Asbestos waste can be put into local bins

a) True

b) False

Scroll down the page for the answers to the mock asbestos awareness test and see how many you answered correctly (or incorrectly!)………





Answers to asbestos awareness mock test

Question 1 – c

Question 2 – d

Question 3 – b

Question 4 – c

Question 5 – a

Question 6 – c

Question 7 – c

Question 8 – b

Question 9 – a

Question 10 – d

Question 11 – True

Question 12 – True

Question 13 – d

Question 14 – True

Question 15 – True

Question 16 – False

Question 17 – False

Question 18 – True

Question 19 – False

Question 20 – False

How did you do on the asbestos awareness test?

Completed the mock asbestos awareness test? What was your score out of 20?

Remember that this is only a mock awareness test to ascertain your existing knowledge on asbestos.

If you need to complete a real asbestos awareness test, then how about completing our online asbestos awareness course?

This course will go into a lot more detail and you will learn all about the history of asbestos, the properties of asbestos and its effects on health, the types of asbestos, uses of asbestos in buildings and machinery and the general procedures that must be followed when working with asbestos.

Complete the online asbestos awareness course in one day on any device at your own convenience, and receive a certificate upon successful completion of the multiple choice style asbestos awareness test at the end.

Did you find this article interesting?  Then check out our other interesting articles below.

For all your asbestos training needs call us on 0161 761 4424 or visit to book an asbestos training course.

Need an asbestos survey or a refurbishment/demolition survey? Then contact us on 0161 763 3727 or by visiting our sister site

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