British Lung Foundation’s new mesothelioma research network

Last Updated on March 22, 2018 by

British Lung Foundation’s new mesothelioma research network

The British Lung Foundation’s new mesothelioma research network has been launched to bring scientists together.

What is mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer that grows between the lining of the lungs and the inside of the chest.

It is regarded as a terminal condition.

Only around 8 out of every 100 people diagnosed with mesothelioma will survive for 5 years or more.

People tend to develop the condition due to being exposed to asbestos as part of their working life.

Or they may have been exposed indirectly via family members who worked in places where asbestos was used.

Chemotherapy is the standard treatment offered, but it only adds months to lives.

Although, clinical trials taking place demonstrating ways to treat the illness show signs of promise.

Why is research so important?

Only a very small amount of money is invested into mesothelioma research compared to other cancers.

The British Lung Foundation have awarded £6.3 million in grants for mesothelioma research since 2008.

But more needs to be done and clinical trials are essential to find more treatments and extend quality of life for patients.

Why a research network?

The more people that work on the same research project together, the faster the progress made.

It may be there is a laboratory technique that one researcher has struggled with for months and yet another researcher has mastered this technique and can give guidance – saving both time and money if they can work together.

This results in the quality of the research being better.

Thus meaning faster results all round.

The British Lung Foundation were able to set up this new research network thanks to a very generous donation from The Victor Dahdaleh Foundation.

They are hoping that the network will help drive progress to help people affected by mesothelioma.

If you would like to donate to the British Lung Foundation, click here

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