The Future Of Asbestos Abatement: Emerging Technologies & Methods

Last Updated on February 13, 2024 by Dan

The dangers of asbestos are well known, especially the removal of asbestos from buildings. The risk of causing diseases like lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma from inhaling asbestos dust remains high.

Different methods are in use for removing asbestos to safeguard everyone. But are there newer and better ways to do this? Yes, new technology is being developed all the time. These are a few of the exciting new technologies in this field.

Blasting Asbestos With Lasers

The Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Company, the NTT, confirmed in 2022 that they had developed a way to transform the shape of the asbestos particles. Their method changes the fibre shape to spherical by irradiating asbestos with high-power lasers. 

The company also have a technology that will suppress the scattering of asbestos dust, one of the significant problems in asbestos removal. For this laser irradiation using DOE – a diffractive optical element is employed.

HEPA – High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filtration

The HEPA filters prevent any asbestos fibres released during removal from circulating in the environment. The design of these advanced technology filters traps asbestos particles with a 99.97% efficiency. 

Removing Asbestos With Nanotechnology

How about the removal of asbestos particles at a molecular level? Today’s scientists are exploring nanoparticles to target and then neutralise asbestos fibres precisely. A method that breaks down asbestos at its core. Meaning there will be no need to remove it physically. 

Freezing & Breaking Asbestos Material

We are talking cryogenics here. This non-invasive technique will preserve the integrity of surfaces and minimise secondary contamination, a massive problem in asbestos removal. 

Cryogenic cleaning is the way forward. This technique uses frigid temperatures to freeze materials containing asbestos. It weakens the bonding between the asbestos fibres and the substrate, making asbestos removal easier and safer.

Encapsulation Of The Asbestos Fibres

This technique is known as microencapsulation. It’s a process that makes asbestos fibres harmless by encapsulating the tiny fibres in polymer material specially designed for the purpose. The fibres cannot become airborne and can be safely removed without risk.

The Cutting Edge Technology of Automation & Robotics

We have seen robotic and automation technology integration into many areas of our lives, from hospitals to car factories and many more industries. The remote-controlled removal process reduces placing humans in dangerous environments in asbestos removal. Keep an eye on this area of advancing technologies. The results are impressive, as they significantly reduce the risk of asbestos contamination and increase the efficiency of asbestos removal.

Eco-Friendly Asbestos Removal System

This system uses bioremediation, which uses microorganisms to break down asbestos fibres into non-toxic substances. This sustainable technique is making waves in the asbestos removal industry. What could be better? The ability to remove asbestos and reduce its impact on human health and our ecosystems.

The Exciting Future of Technology & New Discoveries Is On Its Way

As safer asbestos removal methods become available, the risk to all involved is reduced. A safer tomorrow is not far away—a continuing need to eradicate asbestos from all buildings safely and efficiently. We closely monitor all developments at Armco to offer you better options. Please get in touch with us to discuss any problems relating to asbestos removal.

Published Dec 14, 2023

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