Asbestos Awareness Training Manchester

Asbestos Awareness Training is mandatory for those who may be at risk in their daily work tasks. Are you qualified?

Last Updated on September 17, 2014 by neilhardy

 The facts:

According to a recent survey by Armco Asbestos, at least three plumbers, six electricians, twenty tradesmen and six joiners die each week from asbestos related complications. In fact, now, more people are killed by asbestos complications each day than on the road, that is about 4000 people a year. This is troubling news.

For this and other reasons, the UKATA asbestos training (United Kingdom asbestos training association) has been formed to ensure that people are fully trained on the dangers of asbestos.

UKATA asbestos training carries out asbestos awareness training campaigns and courses – it also sets the stringent standards in asbestos training. In addition, it ensures it’s trainers and staff members meet high standards so that they are fully qualified to teach on the subject.

What does asbestos awareness training entail?

Nowadays, it is a legal requirement for all individuals who may come across asbestos in their everyday work go through the appropriate asbestos training. Any organisation that allows maintenance personnel or builders onto their premises must ensure that the builders have valid evidence of full asbestos awareness training.

Are there any risk factors related to asbestos?

Working on or being exposed to materials containing asbestos fibres will increase the chances of contracting asbestos related diseases. When the fibres are inhaled, they have the potential to cause serious medical complications – diseases that are responsible for more than 4000 deaths each year. Some of the diseases caused by asbestos include; Mesothelioma (a cancer in the lining surrounding the lungs), lung cancer, diffuse pleural thickening and asbestosis.

Since the latency period of these diseases is 15 to 60 years, the effects of asbestos issues may not be evident immediately, but they have the capacity to cause issues later in life. Therefore, it is vital to ensure people are protected and have the knowledge to stop potential issues down the line. Going through the asbestos training course will ensure safety, as the steps to ensuring protection are simple to follow if you know what you are doing.

Where can I get Asbestos Awareness Training?

Armco Asbestos provides training all around the country to enable individuals and businesses to legally work with and around asbestos safely and competently. Just click on the training option above to get started.

Published Sep 17, 2014

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