Asbestos Awareness and non-licensed asbestos training CAT B in Bury, Manchester.

Armco are holding an Asbestos Awareness and working with non-licensed asbestos course on 27th February 2015 in Bury, Manchester.

Last Updated on December 7, 2021 by neilhardy

Asbestos Awareness and Non-Licensed Asbestos CAT B training is being held at Armco on the 30th April 2021 at our dedicated training facility; Bury Business Centre, Bury, Manchester. The training will be a full day of classroom based training, made up of asbestos awareness (Category A) training in the morning, followed by working with non-licensed materials (Category B) in the afternoon.

Asbestos can be deadly and exposure can be detrimental to your health. The inhalation of asbestos dust can lead to developing asbestos related diseases such as the cancer, Mesothelioma and asbestosis.

It is important for anyone who comes into contact with asbestos in their work to undertake the necessary training. Around 20 tradespeople die each year through exposure to asbestos, it is important for them to be fully trained on how to properly work with asbestos.

Asbestos Awareness (Category A) will take place in the morning, this training is important if you spend time working in buildings that contain, or may contain asbestos ie. Built before 2000. This training is beneficial to tradespeople giving them the knowledge to;

Working with non-licensed asbestos materials training (Category B) will take place in the afternoon, it adheres to the control of asbestos regulations 2012, which stops anyone working with asbestos containing material (ACM’s) unless they have had proper training. This training teaches;

According to the control of asbestos regulations (2012) all employers need to ensure that adequate training, instruction and information is given to all employees who are liable to be exposed to asbestos or those who supervise these employees

For any enquiries or to book onto the training course call 0161 761 4424 or visit

We also offer asbestos management and refurbishment/demolition surveys. Visit or call 0161 763 3727 to arrange your survey today.

Published Apr 07, 2021

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