Diagnosis of mesothelioma for former builder secures him £260,000 compensation

Last Updated on May 20, 2024 by Dan

Man who worked as contracts manager wins compensation following diagnosis of mesothelioma

A man who received a diagnosis of mesothelioma after he became ill back in 2016 has won a claim for compensation.

He worked as a Contracts Manager for a construction company and had to quit his job because of the symptoms he was suffering.

The man’s two brothers had already passed away due to the asbestos related disease, mesothelioma.

So he suspected he was suffering from the same symptoms himself.

He had worked for various construction companies in the 1970’s and suspected this is how he was exposed to asbestos.

As part of his work he would regularly handle sheets of Asbestolux (asbestos insulating boarding) and come into close contact with the dust which was produced from them.


Man would work on sites where asbestos was present

Again, he would visit other sites where he would be exposed to asbestos in the form of Asbestolux and Artex as they were used extensively.

Due to a long history of working with asbestos and having witnessed his own brothers dying from mesothelioma, the man realised he too was suffering from the disease.

Subsequently, the man went ahead and instructed a legal team to pursue a claim om his behalf.

His claim was initially rejected due to one of the defendants claiming that any exposure to asbestos dust hadn’t exceeded permitted safe limits.

However, this was conceded and his legal team successfully secured over £260,000 in compensation for the man to be used for his immunotherapy treatment to help prolong his life.

Specialist Industrial Disease, Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Lawyer, Johnathan Steventon-Kiysays, of Swain & Co Solicitors said of the case, “This is a tragic case and one that could so easily have been avoided but for the negligence of this man’s employers. It is hard to comprehend what this man would have felt after his diagnosis having watched his siblings pass away for the same disease previously.”

Source of article:-  https://www.swainandco.com/personal-injury/asbestos-diseases/former-builder-secures-payment-for-mesothelioma-after-brothers-die-of-the-same-disease/

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Whether you need an asbestos management survey, or a refurbishment/demolition survey, contact us on 0161 763 3727 or by visiting https://www.armco.org.uk/

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