Former Nestle worker wins mesothelioma claim

Last Updated on May 20, 2024 by Dan

Woman with asbestos cancer takes Nestle to court with mesothelioma claim

A woman who used to work at the Nestle factory in Hayes, Middlesex, in the 1950’s and 60’s, has taken the company to court with a mesothelioma claim against them.

The woman was  diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer after having suffered for 6 months with symptoms which included breathlessness.

She was admitted to hospital and underwent pleural drainage, where she was eventually informed by consultants that her pleural biopsies confirmed biphasic mesothelioma.

Following this diagnosis, she instructed law firm Boyes Turner and their team of mesothelioma specialists to aid her with a mesothelioma claim against her former employer.

She told her lawyers that part of her duties at Nestle included packing chocolate products and work on a conveyor belt.

The woman recalled the work room containing pipes on the ceiling that were lagged with asbestos and said that these pipes would have repair work done on them by maintenance workers from time to time.

Two witnesses came forward supporting the woman’s mesothelioma claim against Nestle.


Following the witness statements, Nestle eventually accepted liability, although they did ask for further evidence in proving the cause of the woman’s illness.

Subsequently, Boyes Turner obtained a medical report confirming the mesothelioma diagnosis which resulted in Nestle making an interim payment.

Nestle then made full and final settlement shortly after, meaning the woman can now afford to pay for private medical care, which she is said to be delighted about.

Source of article:-

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