Serial fly tippers receive jail sentence for dumping asbestos

Last Updated on May 20, 2024 by Dan

Serial fly tippers receive jail sentence for dumping asbestos

A couple of serial fly-tippers have received jail sentences after they were caught on video dumping asbestos waste.

The pair were seen dumping the illegal waste close to the rear entrance of a children’s dance school.

The culprits, David Smith, aged 53, and George Parry, aged 55, were found guilty of dumping huge amounts of waste outside of the Liverpool school.

Each of the men from West Derby, Liverpool, pleaded guilty to the fly tipping offences at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court.

Fly tipping is already a huge problem in Liverpool.

The City Council say that the cost to clear up is costing them over £1 million each year.

Smith and Parry were filmed dumping illegal waste, including asbestos, on a few separate occasions.


This included the dumping of six bags of loose asbestos crumb and a large pile of asbestos sheeting.

The pair were unaware that they were being secretly filmed by both the council and police.

After a period of investigation, the culprit’s Ford transit van was seized and destroyed by the council.

They then used the video footage they had secretly filmed of the pair in action as evidence in court.

City Council are clamping down on Fly Tippers

Last week, Mr Parry was fined the sum of £580, disqualified from driving for 12 months, and was jailed for 20 weeks.

Mr Smith was also fined the sum of £580 and received a jail sentence of 12 weeks.

Joe Anderson, City Mayor, announced last week that he was looking into rewarding local residents with a council tax rebate if they could provide any information that would lead to the prosecution of fly tippers.

Residents are also being advised that if they choose to hire a ‘man and van’, that they check those providing this service are infact licensed waste carriers.

They are also advised to request a receipt and make a note of the vehicles number plate.

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Duty holders and employers have a legal responsibility to manage asbestos in their building so as not to put employees at risk. Contact our Armco office for asbestos management and refurbishment/ demolition surveys on 0161 763 3727 or by visiting

Alternatively, to book onto one of our asbestos training courses, please call 0161 761 4424 or visit 



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Published Mar 20, 2017

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