Church break in later reveals asbestos

Last Updated on May 7, 2021 by

Church break in later reveals asbestos

A church in Scotland that was broken into over five weeks ago by vandals has since been closed after it was discovered that asbestos in the walls had become exposed.

The vandals caused thousands of pounds worth of damage to Blackford Parish Church.

A police investigation is in full swing.

The incident has left regular church-goers in shock.

All church services have been suspended and the reopening of the church is on hold pending investigation.

It is expected to be at least several weeks before the church will reopen again.

All asbestos will have to be safely removed before any repair works can be done.

Vandals caused damage and stole items of value

The vandals who broke into the church caused extensive damage, including damage to the Christening font and the knocking over of a pulpit.

They are also accused of stealing items of worth, which include a box of hand bells.

Two individuals have been arrested and have appeared in court in connection with the incident.

Source of article:-  The Courier and Advertiser (Angus and the Mearns Edition)

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Published Mar 27, 2017

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