IATP Asbestos Training Provider

Last Updated on August 24, 2020 by

Who are IATP?

IATP are an organisation that are proud to offer ‘the most comprehensive list of asbestos training providers available in the UK ‘.

A not-for-profit organisation, they are the only organisation offering a database of independently audited UK asbestos training providers.

They work in co-operation with the HSE and support asbestos related charities.

IATP asbestos training member

Armco Asbestos Training is a registered IATP asbestos training member.

This means that we are independently audited by IATP (Independent Asbestos Training Providers), to prove our competence and compliance with current legislation when it comes to asbestos training.

You will find Armco Asbestos Training listed on the IATP website.

Their website offers a dynamic and interactive link between those seeking asbestos training and those providing it.

As IATP training members, we offer classroom based Asbestos Awareness Training which is for those people who do not work with asbestos containing materials (ACM’s), but do require training to enable them to identify ACM’s.

We also provide training for Non-Licensable Asbestos Work, which is specifically for workers who may carry out small works on asbestos containing materials.

For those who prefer to do e-learning, then we provide an online asbestos awareness course too, which you can complete anytime, anywhere, at your own convenience.

IATP asbestos training - MEMBERSHIP LOGO
Armco are IATP training members

What this means for you

As we are a listed training provider on the IATP website, this means that we have submitted the necessary documentary evidence confirming our company’s compliance with the UK’s asbestos regulations.

This includes having independent external audits where necessary.

If you visit the website and search for Armco Asbestos Consultants, our listing will show that we are independently audited and will supply you with the details of these audits ie the name and contact details of the person we have been audited by, thus providing peace of mind for anyone considering attending or completing one of our asbestos training courses.

Want to find out more? Then head on over to the IATP website for more information.

Did you find this article interesting?  Then check out our other interesting articles below.

For all your asbestos training needs call us on 0161 761 4424 or visit https://www.armcoasbestostraining.co.uk/asbestos-training-courses/ to book an asbestos training course.

Need an asbestos survey or a refurbishment/demolition survey? Then contact us on 0161 763 3727 or by visiting our sister site https://www.armco.org.uk/

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