Woman battling Mesothelioma cancer turns to colleagues for help

Last Updated on May 20, 2024 by Dan

Mesothelioma cancer sufferer seeks answers on how she contracted disease

Elizabeth Oliver has made an appeal to her former work colleagues at Wedgewood to help her in her quest to identify how she contracted terminal mesothelioma cancer.

She was diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer in February last year after having suffered three chest infections in a row and being admitted to hospital with pneumonia.

Testing would later reveal that she was suffering from mesothelioma cancer.

Specialist asbestos-related disease lawyers, Irwin Mitchell, have been instructed to investigate.

Elizabeth, known as Lynne, is hoping that her former colleagues at Wedgewood ceramics may be able to help with information to aid her case.

Lynne worked at the well known ceramics manufacturer between 1992 and 1999.

Her role was to organise and manage Wedgwood’s training programme targeted at young people.

She would split her time between the offices and speaking to workers on the factory floor at the firm’s Barlaston head office.


Lynne said of her mesothelioma cancer diagnosis, “When I was told about my mesothelioma and that I had a matter of months to live and that the cancer had spread too far for me to have surgery I couldn’t believe it.”

“The decision not to have chemotherapy was difficult, but having been through that treatment and knowing that, unlike my breast cancer, it would not be curative, I did not want to suffer the side effects I had done with my previous treatment.”

“I’ve tried to come to terms the best I can with my diagnosis and what that means for me and my family.”

“I have so many questions about how I could have been exposed to asbestos and I think I deserve answers, not just for me but for my family.”

“It can’t change what has happened to me, but hopefully by having my old colleagues come forward, it will enable my family to understand why this happened and how.”

Lynne recalls a dusty and dirty factory

When Lynne worked at the factory, she recalls how the factory floor was always dirty and dusty.

But shes says it got even worse when machinery was being upgraded.

She recalls, “It was quite common that I was working near to a point where they were dismantling and moving plant or machinery whilst I would be talking to staff and seeing how they were getting on.”

“The atmosphere on the factory floor was always dusty and dirty but when machinery was moved it was noticeable worse.”

Specialist asbestos-related disease lawyer at Irwin Mitchell, Iain Shoolbred, who is representing Lynne’s case said, “Mesothelioma is an extremely aggressive, and sadly, incurable, form of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos dust fibres. It is responsible for the deaths of more than 2,500 people in the UK every year.”

“We are investigating Lynne’s exposure during her time working at Josiah Wedgwood & Sons. We hope that anyone who worked on the premises in the 1990s will come forward with any information they have about the presence of asbestos and what measures were in place to protect workers from exposure to the harmful dust and fibers.”

“While medical staff cannot do anything for Lynne with regards to curing her mesothelioma cancer, we at last hope we can provide Lynne and her family with the vital answers they deserve regarding her diagnosis before it is too late.”

Mr Shoolbred has urged anyone with information regarding working conditions at Wedgwood during the 1990s to give him a call at Irwin Mitchell on 0121 214 5446 or email him at iain.shoolbred@irwinmitchell.com.

Source of article:-  www.stokesentinel.co.uk/news/stoke-on-trent-news/former-wedgwood-worker-battling-terminal-1399476

Whether you need an asbestos management survey, or a refurbishment/ demolition survey, contact us on 0161 763 3727 or by visiting https://www.armco.org.uk/

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